Sunday, February 13, 2011

A normal Sunday in Japan ;)

Today was very sunny and nice day, Sunday, full of new places to see around!

After almost an hour in Tokyo Metro finally I got to see a sun and Azuma Bridge!!! Nothing really special, but it is just a beginning of a day!!! ;)

The first lesson of a day: In Poland young men are pulling a rickshaw on a bike, but in Japan is different!!! They just run to pull rickshaw! :) and to rest they stop at some interesting places and tell a story of a place :) nice!!!

After this amazing, new experience of a rickshaw I went thru Kaminarimon Gate, which is really huge and beautiful! Very impressive! From the Kaminarimon Gate to Hozomon Gate leads a long shopping street, Nakamise Dori. It was the best place to buy a beautiful kimono for my Mom, not a very complicated with thousand of layers, but a bit lighter, good for summer and at home for a weekend rest. My younger sister will also get a gift - a traditional Japanese fan with a painting of geisha with a book, as a congrat for her first passed exam session on her Univ and motivation for a next one in a summer semester. A fun should help her to cool down during her brainstorming during next exam session! So, Good luck, sis!!! ;)

Passing Hozomon Gate you get an amazing view to Goju-no-To and Sensō-ji Temple!!! It is just great and huuuuge!!! The square is surrounded by a lot of smaller Buddha monuments where people are coming to leave their prayers.

Just next to huge Sensō-ji Temple is a small Asakusa Shrine. I was very lucky there!!! When I arrived, a traditional, Japanese wedding was having place there. The bride had a beautiful kimono and wonderful hair style with a white make-up on her face. After the wedding a young couple get on traditional Japanese rickshaw and started their new life, together! Good luck to them!
On my way back, to save some money, I didn't take a metro, but decided to walk as much as my feet will let me ;) - That was one of the best decisions!

On my way on almost every corner of new street I was getting more and more of a Japanese culture, of the daily Japanese life, not full of tourist and photo cameras! The first thing I got to see was a small Japanese cemetery... They have a really big respect to those who passed away...

I also got to see some small temples, which names where even on written on my "tourist map". I really like one where after putting some money you could knock to Buddha by a small bell!

When the sun starting to set I went to Ueno Park, where the reflection of a temple is visual in a lake near by. Oh... so romantic place... But, the time for the best part of the day was coming... I needed to take a metro line for another hour to go to Akatsuka Suwa Shrine at Itabashi-ku.
Tonight, a traditional ceremony to pray for a rich harvest of the year, Ta-asobi, was taking place there. Ta-asobi is designated as one of National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties. A portable shrine - Mikoshi - was carried onto the grounds in the precincts of the Shrine and then Shishimai lion dance and Tengumai dance were performed by men with long red-nosed masks. It was just the best end of a day which I could ever dream about!

Just during one day I got a huge shot of Japan at once!! I LOVED it :D

Looking forward for new...