Friday, February 4, 2011

First day in the lab and Karaoke

In the morning of of the PhD students met me at my hotel and we went together to the lab. It was a new experience for me when people are travelling like sardines in a car of a train.
 In the lab I was welcome very warm. The Professor was very nice and showed around.

I should tell that I am surprise with a difference between Swedish and Japanese labs.

As the Friday night for European girl cannot be a waste I went with two girls from the lab to the Karaoke club.

It is not as we have this kind of clubs in Europe, here you 'rent' a small room where you have a big TV, 2 microphones and you just... sing!!! you can order some alcohol as well, but it is just you and your friends, not a big club! It was again a new experience and I found it very fun as well!

Since I was coming back home alone the first time I was very proud of myself to be able to find the correct way in this huuuuge city!!!